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Analysis of market status and development prospects of China's sportswear industry in 2018 China's sportswear market has unlimited potential

In recent years, the growth rate of China's sportswear market has continued to increase, and the proportion of sportswear in the overall apparel market is also rising. However, compared to the developed countries, the per capita sportswear spending is still low, China's sportswear in the future still has a huge space for development, is expected in the next five years, the compound growth rate of the industry will exceed 10%, China's sportswear industry is still one of the best tracks in the apparel industry.

Chinese sportswear continues to grow at a rapid pace

After experiencing two consecutive years of decline in 2012-2013, China's sportswear market ushered in a forced rebound in 2014-2018, and the size of the sportswear market has climbed year by year, and the growth rate has accelerated. In 2018, the size of China's sportswear market exceeded $40 billion, reaching $40.1 billion, an increase of 19.5% year-on-year, which is the highest growth rate in the past seven years.

China's sportswear market size from 2012 to 2023 (Unit: USD 100 million)


The proportion of sports apparel in the overall clothing is constantly increasing

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, our country has experienced three large population birth peak and population peak.

First, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, stimulated by the government's policy of encouraging birth, there was a baby boom from 1955 to 1965 (the birth rate decreased due to natural disasters in 1959 to 1961). During this period, the birth rate reached more than 30%, and the net population increase was about 15-20 million people per year.

The second is 1980-1990. When the population reached marriageable age between 1955 and 1965, there was a second baby boom. The birth rate during this period was about 15-20%, with a net increase in population of about 10-15 million people per year.

Third, the generation born after 2010. When the population entered childbearing age in 1980 and 1990, it led to the third baby boom. The birth rate during this period was about 10%, with a net increase in population of about 5 million people per year

Population Statistics of Births in China, 1949-2018 (unit: 10,000)


Young people over 25 years old are the most active in sports consumption. The 80-90 generation is the second peak of the population in China. At the same time, as they enter the work for several years, their purchasing power increases and they become the main group of sports consumers.

As the post-80s and post-90s gradually become the new force of consumption, the product design and style are more youthful and personalized, driving the fire of sports fashion categories, and the proportion of Chinese sports apparel in the overall clothing continues to increase. In 2018, the proportion of Chinese sportswear in the overall clothing increased to 12.75%.

Proportion of China's sportswear in total apparel from 2013 to 2018 (unit: %)


China's sportswear ceiling is still far away

From the perspective of consumption, from 2008 to 2018, China's per capita spending on sportswear showed a fluctuating upward trend, and in 2018, China's per capita spending on sportswear reached 28.90 US dollars, an increase of 18.9%, about three times the per capita spending in 2007.

Per capita spending on sportswear in China, 2008-2018 (unit: USD, %)


Compared with developed countries, the ceiling of China's sportswear market is still far away. However, it is still only 2/3 of the global per capita expenditure, 1/4 of Japan, 1/5 of Germany, 1/6 of the United Kingdom, and 1/12 of the United States, so there is huge room for future growth.

Sportswear phone costs per capita in different countries around the world (unit: US $)


From left to right in the picture are the United States, Britain, Germany, Japan, global China

From the point of view of growth, the average annual compound growth rate of China's sportswear market in the past decade is nearly 10%, which is significantly higher than other countries.

In the next five years, the compound growth rate of the sportswear industry is obviously better than other sub-industries, and children's clothing is the only two clothing sub-industries that are expected to have a compound growth rate of more than 10%, and is still one of the best clothing tracks.


(In the picture from top to bottom are children's sportswear pajamas underwear women's men's coat)